When you learn to deal with anger skillfully it can lead to LIBERATION. Life is relentless and demanding in nature. We are tested daily in patience, tolerance, generosity, and the use of our intelligence.
Each situation is unique and the wisdom to handle situations must be dug from deep within us to find a resolve. Each challenge we face can throw us into a rage. We become aggravated, enraged, and then derail our best intentions by contaminating all the good we seek to do initially.
We impose our own anxieties on others and our mode of interaction, with even our loved ones, we become torqued out of shape. We let our anger compound allowing the situation to spin further out of control. Many times we have unrealistic expectations of solving problems and that adds to the "life and death" struggle we have already placed in our hands.
These encounters with anger test our spiritual mettle as well. They escalate in a hair's breath. One moment we are engaged in working on resolve, and the next we are ANGERED beyond even our own control.
There are people who are spending their life time in prison because their anger got the better of them. Relationships have been ruined, and children scarred because we haven't learned to
use the gift of oxygen when a problem arises.
Do not indulge in this aggression. At the very moment you feel flushed and peaked to anger, take a breath! I am serious. When we are in pain we hold our breath. When we are angry we also have a tendency to hold our breath! The old "fight or flight" syndrome kicks into action.
The danger in NOT breathing is NOT making rational decisions! When our brains suffer from lack of oxygen, our intellect dwindles, insuring we won't turn the scenario into a positive situation. You can be sure you will "retaliate" in some manner that just plainly screws things up even worse!
INITALLY to find that self control I repeat: Take a breath. Stop for 30 seconds and take a few breaths. In doing just this, your mind and body will relax a bit, you will lower your blood pressure, and your intellect will be established fully again.
Use your oxygen to think more effectively on how you will handle any state of anger you find yourself feeling. Empower yourself with your secret weapon - your oxygen! It is your first line of defense against negative anger. It will put you in control of your bodily responses and possibly keep you from making a dreadful mistake.
If this sounds just too easy, it is! What is a bit more difficult is to get into the habit of doing
this. We habitually get angry and defensive. We make rash and sometimes terrible decisions.
REMEMBER: if you find yourself getting angry take 30 seconds and use your oxygen. YOU will be the one in the situation who makes the better decisions and actually is visibly more together. Anyone can loose control. It takes an intelligent person, one who actually cares about doing the right thing, to work towards trashing the out of control anger. The only thing loosing your cool does is make you look like a fool and throw your body and mind into a terrible state.
Keep your cool and act the wiser individual? OR loose your cool and look the fool? You pick.