Sunday, July 29, 2007


All of us deal with having more paperwork than we know what to do with these days. We
are afraid to throw anything out, but we don't have file drawers enough to keep it all.

This is a list I complied (after doing a bit of research) to help you get rid of excess paperwork lying around the house. Be sure to remember that when you dispose of "stuff", if you don't have any way to shed your things, you at least make sure names, numbers, etc. are REALLY minced up small.

Identity theft is no small problem to face, so guard yourself and your family.

Here is what you much keep for at least a good while, and perhaps forever:

1. Canceled checks that are related to tax deductions or major purchases. If you pull these checks out from the rest each month it will save you lots of time later. Also keep any charitable giving and medical expenses. You can file these in an envelope saying CHECKS for TAXES 2007.

2. Keep a file with purchase and sale documents, including IRS Form 2119 for every home you've owned.

3. Keep a file of capital home improvement costs. Routine repairs don't count. Only things like new roof, remodeled kitchen, etc.

3. Credit card records - keep for 6 years.

4. Health records are forever.

5. Contracts (even those paid) are to be kept for 7 years past the expiration date.

6. Investments, contributions to IRA's, and brokerage accountings.

7. A will. (VERY important for your family - even if handwritten and witnessed by
three people is better than nothing!).

8. IRS returns. The IRS has three years to examine your return, and six years if there is a substantial under-reported income.

TRUST ME ON THIS ONE - my husband and I were audited about eight years ago and I had to come up with a TON of paperwork.

My bookkeeper made huge mistakes and we were fined, both for the errors and every day
they hadn't been paid! We had no idea we owed money. She didn't have to account for a penny of it, not even a fine. If someone does your books make sure they are

These are the papers you should make sure to keep in a safe deposit box or someplace very safe.

1. Deeds and records of ownership. Documents as to the condition of your home and a written inventory of goods in it.

2. Birth, marriage and death certificates. Also passports.

3. Stock and bond certificates

4. List of all insurance policies and agents.

5. Adoption papers, divorce decrees and child custody agreements.

Even if you don't have a lock box to keep them in, make copies of these items and store them separately in case you need them.

YEAH! Now we are down to the toss out stuff!

1. Expired insurance policies.

2. Non-tax related checks (but they have to be more than three years old:(.

3. Records for items you no longer own. (Cars, boats, etc.)

4. Pay stubs going back more than two years.

That's pretty much it. If anyone out there can think of anything else, please drop me a comment or email and I will post an addendum to these lists!

Have fun and get to shredding and trashing all the useless garbage!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How NOT to start the day

Check out the photo on the right. I got up at 6AM - brushed my teeth (in order to kiss my husband goodbye. Drank a glass of water (to dilute the acid in my two cups of coffee), and proceeded to spill the coffee all over the table, the chair cushion, and the floor I had just cleaned the night before!

So you know what I did? I LOVE the fact I teach stress management - it's made my life paradise! I looked at it and thought: "You know, it's a good thing mama taught me to be flexible and accept change. We never know just what will happen."

I looked at the mess again and actually giggled. That wasn't the way I intended to start the day. Tried to get the dog to lick it up, but dogs are smart-they don't like coffee:).

So - I poured another cup - got the mop out and began the cleanup. Washed the cushion and finished by dry mopping the floor so I wouldn't slip and break my fanny!

All in all, it was nothing. It was rather funny as it reminded me we have little control over what happens to us, but ultimate control over our response. I love it.
Was kind of like a Saturday night live skit....

It's not WHAT happens to you, but HOW you respond that changes your life and the lives of those around you!

Keep hold of that sense of humor and all will be okay. Have a WONDERFUL day where
ever you are and whatever time of day it is! It's your choice. I care!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When you reach an impass - hit the wall!

STOP and take a breath. I shall do it with you as I hit that wall a few moments ago. If you feel yourself getting upset, angry, or impatient with a job you are doing - WHATEVER - it is the time to MAKE CHANGES! Not tomorrow, right now!

Take a breath again! (If it isn't now, when this happens this technique will always work.) Control your response, your intellect, and your happiness with your oxygen. You are an oxygen machine and it works! Try it.

The second thing you do is to get up and walk away. Stretch. Move to a different task. Do something to divert your attention from this mind boggling event that is chemically changing who you are!

You may say "I can't - I have responsibilities!" Well, unless it is life threatening to you or someone close to you, it is LIFE THREATENING in the long run of it unless you CONTROL what is happening!

You can't control all the circumstances happening, but you can ALWAYS control your response.

Is the thing that is frustrating you important enough "to die for" - I think not!
Re-evaluate what you are doing and make necessary changes (even if just for a few moments to gather your wits about you, and make a plan). You will be relieved that you've done this, and so will your family!

Remember: Sometimes when you let loose on those you love THEY ARE NOT ACTUALLY THE TARGET. They just happened to be in the way and catch your wrath. Think about it and be flexible enough to try these techniques. You will be glad you did.

I know I am. I am now relaxed enough, regenerated, and calm enough to return to what I was doing. I am actually building a new website and I hit that wall.

I feel better. Hope you do too. I actually care!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

If you are "under pressure".........

........just remember: You can only do so much in one day! Believe me, whatever doesn't get done will be waiting for you tomorrow.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to achieve perfection, to accomplish all our tasks, to be the perfect parent. You know what I mean. Well let it go! None of us will achieve perfection in this lifetime.

What we can work up to is a heart attack if we take all the stress placed in front of us DEAD serious. I don't mean to slack and procrastinate. I simply mean, step back and take a breath. Appraise what can ACTUALLY be accomplished this day. Step forward now into a realistic picture.

Don't let others push your buttons. Guard your life and your heart. You are the only one who can do this, and remember, you only have one place to live - YOUR BODY!

If you screw it up by overplaying every day, and suddenly die from a heart attack...or go insane, how good will that be towards all you are working to achieve?????

Don't be blind and say THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME." It can certainly happen to any of us if we don't take care of ourselves and let stress run us over!

Please stop throughout the day and take a breath. Remember this is your life, and
return to your days with a more positive attitude, keeping in mind - You can only
do so much in one day!

I mean it. If you have a boss that is trying to put you into an early grave, perhaps you should re-think things a bit!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Einstein's Wisdom

Ethical axioms are found and tested not very differently from the axioms of science. Truth is what stands the test of experience.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer Rain

It is very unusual in my hometown to get even one drop of summer rain. Last night I awoke to the sound of rain pouring on my roof. A down burst which dropped me back into my dream state with a smile on my face.

This morning it's still raining, and so after weeks of having the house closed up due to escalating temperatures (100-118), I immediately got up and opened all the windows. As I sit here writing I can hear the rain still coming down. The trees are much greener and have a luster due to the water cleaning all the leaves.

The sound of traffic has diminished and only a few heartiest of birds are singing the song welcoming dawn. It's too much temptation to resist and so I will pour a cup of hot coffee and sit on the steps just thanking my God for these drops from heaven. Water is so cleansing.

Time flies and two days have passed. Temperatures are warming. We broke two records-a low in temperature only passed in 1932, and rain amount - we got 1.25 inches and the last time it rain any amount was in 1986 (a pittance compared to this!).

I went kayaking and everything smelled fresh and the sky was clear and deep blue. The water was cooler, but I still swam and really enjoyed the outdoors.

REMEMBER: Being outdoors in fresh air and away from the city is healing! Do it if you can:).

A couple of "stress management" techniques my mama left with me, for you.
1. Never leave a room without something in both hands! It really helps as you are
always taking care of business, and it doesn't take much to get into the habit of doing this. My husband swears I take 50 things in my hands! I don't.:)

2. Double bag your trash cans. I stopped buying trash can liners as the expense was adding up. IF your stores still use plastic bags, use those to line the trash cans, and put in two or three so that when you are rushed you can just grab a bag, and your can is ready to go already! I swore (when mama was alive) that I would never do that, but you know what - listen to mama. These older folks have lived and know what they are talking about for sure!

Now take a breath. Press your shoulders back and DOWN. Take another breath! Stretch a bit - arms up in the air. Wiggle your body all over and SMILE! Someone
out here in BlogLand LOVES YOU - for real!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


OVER 80% of medical visits originate from stress induced reactions upon the human body! Stress changes chemical combinations within us and drives us to the "fight or flight" stage, which in turn accelerates wear and tear on the organs, muscles and all the inner workings of the body. It also plays havoc with our minds, and can literally be debilitating!

This culture is the instant gratification culture. We want what we want, and we want it now! In learning to TRULY change your life, and MANAGE any stress, you must dedicate time to practice techniques, and be consistent. Does that sound so very difficult?

Herein lies the problem. This culture has us going so many directions at once, and believing the list of duties MUST be completed, that we are driving ourselves mad!

Each day has 1,440 minutes in it....that is 525,600 minutes in one average year. Ten
minutes a day devoted to stress management education and practice still leaves you
1,430 minutes a day....and 521,950 minutes a year to devote to all these other tasks you deem important enough to leave you frazzled, irritated, and less than feeling wonderful! Come on now, that doesn't make sense.

Here is the choice: 1. Watch your stress levels keep rising with no resolve in sight. Prime your body for a heart attack and your life for constant turmoil. 2. Love yourself and your family enough to take 10 minutes a day to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and the lives of those around you.

I think the second choice is worth 10 minutes of consistent practice on managing stress. You WILL FIND YOU LIKE IT! You WILL FIND YOU WILL INCREASE YOUR practice
time as you get "in the habit". We are creatures of habit and we can develop habits easily. Why not a pittance in time to develop a life style that will enhance your mind and the health of your body simultaneously?

Whether you try my CD or someone else's, in my heart of hearts I WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE BETTER FOR ALL CONCERNED! Of course I believe you should pay a one time fee for the CD and let me help you create new brain cells, and be rid of negative thoughts and actions. I charge much more than that for 1 hour of personal training. I personally selected the original music, and put 3 relaxations on the CD - for "newcomers" and for those familiar with it all. Over 30 years I have seen people change their demeanor to an empowered and calm personality - miracles can happen.

Please go to my new website to check it out. I have a couple of samples of the CD you can listen to, a couple of articles and my complete biography.
or go to "links to my resources" on the right of this page.
My husband calls me "The human happy face" - I practice what I teach :) and I want this joy and empowerment to be YOURS! I TRULY CARE!

Monday, July 16, 2007

School and it's many challenges for YOU

Ahhhh, school is near and parents are all handling it differently! Some can hardly wait to send the children back to the learning environment. They envision a few hours a day with no one saying, “Mom (or dad), I’m bored”, “I’m hungry”, or even, “Can you take me to my friend’s house?”

Others are dreading the demands that children in school can bring home to the parents. The cost of books and supplies, new clothing, the tasks of shuttling children to school activities and sporting events, the required PTA, helping with homework, and all the parental duties that go along with those who have children in school.

When you begin to feel yourself paralyzed by “dread” of things to come,
do exactly what you are doing right now! Take a moment or two to do something for yourself.

Whether it’s reading a quick article, just sitting still for a few moments, or taking an unplanned trip to the store to pick up a few things you need or want!

You are DIVERTING your own attention from these dreaded fears surrounding “school is upon us”, and concentrating on something else for the moment.

Diversion is good. The definition, simply put, is “an instant of turning something aside from it’s course”. We are only capable of thinking about one thing at a time!

This does not suggest that you will never need to think about the challenges you face, but it will give you just a bit of time (while doing one of these activities or something you choose) to take a breath! When you breathe, your intellect is sharper. When you are stressed out you slow your breathing without even knowing it, which in turn stresses you out even further.

This is the bottom line. You will never complete the list of things that need to be done. When that happens it means you are dead! There are
on going demands that will bury you though, if you don’t realize that
the only way to be in charge is by making the best choices in handling
things, and then letting go.

95% of all that you spend your life worrying about NEVER COMES TO FRUITION! Honestly! Worrying about not being able to “take care of all that is necessary”, is simply a waste of your time and energy.

Prioritize, delegate, stay in the moment. You know what needs to be done and it’s about time you give yourself credit for handling so much already!

Remember that life always gives us stress to manage. We may not have the choice in what happens to us, or the demands that challenge us, but we ALWAYS have a choice in the response to these things.

It's not necessary to implode, or explode. Loosing your cool will only worsen the scenario. When you find yourself in the position of having just too much to do, perhaps in too little time, and there is NO WAY to change it - If you are the person in charge of doing the multitude of tasks... then the only thing you can do is ACCEPT IT.

The truth is, unless you have someone you can “pass the ball to”, you’d better start using positive affirmations to create those brain cells necessary to take care of business.

Don’t let the negatives overpower you. Take a breath and think: “I will get things done to the best of my ability.” “I will take each moment as it comes and remember that I am capable and dedicated to finding resolve to challenges.” “I will remember that I can only do so much in one day, one hour, one moment.” “I will remember that my children and all the children who’s paths I cross will look to my attitude and demeanor as either horrible or positive, and they will learn from me.”

If you are a person of faith then truly the first thing that should be done is asking for help. Just as your children look to you for help and ask repeatedly for it, pray often! Of course with prayer must come letting go and letting God oversee your needs. That’s faith.

If you do not believe then your only choice is to decide whether you want to let things drive you crazy, or whether you will simply do what you have to do! Affirm your capabilities and breadth of intellect sprinkled with the right amount of emotion.

Get ready for a WONDERFUL school year. Anticipate all the positive things that will enhance your children’s lives, and remember this time is fleeting. One day soon you will recall the excitement of these days, wishing you could do it all again. Make them calm and joyous. Make your children glad to be alive and excited about it all.

YOU CAN DO IT! Take a breath and rock and roll.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Airline passenger? Be prepared!

The first day of my trip I stood 7 1/2 hours in line. My flight was canceled. So here are a few tips to help if your day comes and circumstances radically change for you!

Of course, ALWAYS take a deep breath or two. The additional oxygen will help you to calm down and keep your brain thinking optimally.

Remember: whatever the circumstance - whether you like it or not - though you may
not have the control to change things, you always have the CHOICE to respond in a positive manner. After all, if you CANNOT CHANGE THINGS, ACCEPT IT - and find a way to put a positive slant on the situation. You can always do that if you just try.

When you allow the "challenge" to upset you, you are simply wasting energy and actually making the situation worse! You will chemically change your body and can (ultimately) do damage to yourself by getting stressed out about something you haven't control over anyway!

Try to make reservations way a head of time. Request your specific seat. When through security, buy water and snacks and wear comfortable shoes. Keep your focus on the fact that the only thing you have control over is your attitude-your response.

You will really help yourself, and others, by using your oxygen, your intellect, and remembering if you are calm and relaxed it can change others to follow your example.

It's a beautiful day and I am home from my trip!

Will be writing a new post today or tomorrow. Had a wonderful trip, but kind of trying at the airport the first day!
Will expound soon.

.... Take a breath! Take a moment to tell someone you love them! Hug someone today (even if it is hugging yourself:)!
Time is fleeting and it's time to enjoy the moment.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Hi all,

I am on vacation until July 17th! My darling husband is frying in the heat working hard, and I am 3,000 miles away, loving and hugging extended family, and learning to boogie board and surf. He rocks!

I am trying new activities I have NEVER done before. I may crash and burn but I'll give it my best try!

My posts may be kind of few and far between for this time. In the meantime, please
take care of yourselves and take time to breathe and enjoy each moment of your life!
Blessings to you all!